Ah, that's how this place got it's reputation huh

In all seriousness, what are you hoping to gain by doing this?

In all seriousness: I was planning on being a casual member like I am on multiple platforms. 3 posts in and you guys were crying about a JK sticker. Smh. I probably got defensive too quickly but it happens. The broader ones resources for information are, the better.

Oops, I better get back on topic. "You're gay".....
In all seriousness: I was planning on being a casual member like I am on multiple platforms. 3 posts in and you guys were crying about a JK sticker. Smh. I probably got defensive too quickly but it happens. The broader ones resources for information are, the better.

Oops, I better get back on topic. "You're gay".....

You are one stupid fuck. It was never about a sticker. It's about you not giving a shit about using a stolen logo.
You are one stupid fuck. It was never about a sticker. It's about you not giving a shit about using a stolen logo.

So what did you expect? Should I have removed immediately and begged for forgiveness? Please.

To be fair, copyright infringement is a reality, a Wayalife if you will, for almost every company. Deal with it, it's free promotion.
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In all seriousness: I was planning on being a casual member like I am on multiple platforms. 3 posts in and you guys were crying about a JK sticker. Smh. I probably got defensive too quickly but it happens. The broader ones resources for information are, the better.

I'm well aware of how this all started, I am asking what your end game is now that you are being singled out.
Promoting a stolen JK logo from a jeep club he never belonged to... I don't think he will ever get the point.
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