40's -vs- 42's..... Ready.. Discuss!

I think WFO is a great shop, but doesn’t that jeep in the video with the notch kit still have rub marks on the frame?
Thank you for a reply with actual intellect, and not an attack. I did not notice that in the video, but I'm getting old and losing my up close vision. Hahah. I did measure it out and I will need to move the kit to the rear a little. It will help a lot but might not be perfect. I'm retarded and have stupid ideas so bare with me. Hahahaha. Like a great engine builder once taught me "It's all junk till you fix it" Most of the $hit talkers on here will never grasp that statement.
He’s 21 years old bro and built his jeep with his own money come on. You can’t talk shit on that!
Well that explains it. He's a little boi in a Man's world. He started this I didn't, he should keep his little boi mouth shut and learn something like we all did.
Well that explains it. He's a little boi in a Man's world. He started this I didn't, he should keep his little boi mouth shut and learn something like we all did.
Come on man. You’re the one that pretty much said our advice sucks and we’re all idiots. Not even the 21 year old acts like that. You can’t get mad at us for agreeing with you that your choice for chopping the frame is a stupid idea. You said that yourself.
This forum cracks me up, There's a dip
Come on man. You’re the one that pretty much said our advice sucks and we’re all idiots. Not even the 21 year old acts like that. You can’t get mad at us for agreeing with you that your choice for chopping the frame is a stupid idea. You said that yourself.
Please go back and read everything I said and if I said any of your advice sucks please quote it.

I simply stated my plans and why I was going this way, In fact I never even asked for advice, I don't need it for this project. Those who gave it, chose to do so on their own and were respected until they called me retarded, stupid or whatever other negative response they could come up with. I'm not here for advice, I'm here for the common love for our sport and the furtherance of such.
This forum cracks me up, There's a dip

Please go back and read everything I said and if I said any of your advice sucks please quote it.

I simply stated my plans and why I was going this way, In fact I never even asked for advice, I don't need it for this project. Those who gave it, chose to do so on their own and were respected until they called me retarded, stupid or whatever other negative response they could come up with. I'm not here for advice, I'm here for the common love for our sport and the furtherance of such.
I really don’t give a shit to be honest! I was just pointing out you’re absolutely crazy for notching your frame that’s all!! Again good luck and I hope your dad’s plumbing tools can get the job done correctly! If he doesn’t have the right tools I’m sure harbor freight can help out!
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