2016 Wayalife End of Summer WINDROCK Run - Official Event Thread

Yeah man, I understand. Hoping for the best for the case

Appreciate it. Tomorrow before I call I plan to check cables make sure nothing is wrong that I can see and possibly play with shifter a bit more. Fingers crossed its just something simple. Maybe someone will see it and have an idea on what to check.
Appreciate it. Tomorrow before I call I plan to check cables make sure nothing is wrong that I can see and possibly play with shifter a bit more. Fingers crossed its just something simple. Maybe someone will see it and have an idea on what to check.

Get to work! But don't fuck up anything else.

Really though, fingers crossed nothing's really wrong with the atlas.
Your dad said it best, "if you want something done right, take it to Mike, if you want something broke, let Scott touch it."

Painfully true some how. Im thinking for the front yoke im just gonna blast it on with impact. The one time i dont do that and try to do it right shit happens.
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Can't wait for this trip!! Looking forward to meeting everyone and wheeling with you guys! I'm going to get started replacing all the bushings on my long arm kit and get my transfer case skid installed, then i'll be ready! Oh and get myself another rim for my spare..... lolz:crazyeyes:
Hey Trevor, just wondering what group i will be running in? Judging from the list i would be in A1?

Me too ??...

The A1, A2, etc, are the actual rides that people will be doing. Everyone will be doing a ride on Friday and a different one on Saturday. So, say your group runs A1 on Friday, they might do A3 on Saturday.

I've got everyone divided up into smaller groups and the spot you are in the current list doesn't have anything to do with it. Based on what I know of you all, I have tried to group people together with a couple that have wheeled together before, as well as with a few that haven't wheeled together. I thought about posting up the groups but as people add and drop, it will be confusing to try and keep that updated as well. Upon arrival and check in, I will make sure everyone knows what rides they are doing, as well as who their group leader will be.
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