Dear Benito,
I will explain TWO things here:
1) I would not expect you to know me, so I will be honest with you and write that I am exceptionally sarcastic. In fact, I have an associates degree from DeVry University in Technical Sarcasm. So that sort of makes me a sarcastic technician if you will. In the business we go by "Sartec", just saying...... Now steady yourself son and behold the sarcastic stylings of the Golden Chinese Monkey......
2) Sensible? Well that all depends on your definition of sensible. It's actually pretty subjective, at least I think so; Sensible is knowing when you are in over your head, long before the water reaches your armpits. Sensible is having an opinion, but knowing when to not share it. Sensible is not putting up a fight in the prison shower when it's the day before your last parole hearing. Sensible is knowing that the person on the other end of Internet connection may just be hustling you one response after another
3) A person on the Internet once quoted a man he overheard in a mall foodcourt say "to be the man, sometimes you gotta give the actual man a reach around" So in closing, I have yet to feel anyone scratching my perineal region :brows: