2013 JKX build from stock to JKX ready

I don't know you, you may be being sarcastic, i don't know, however you are a good debater as well and seem to be the most sensible person here.

Dear Benito,
I will explain TWO things here:

1) I would not expect you to know me, so I will be honest with you and write that I am exceptionally sarcastic. In fact, I have an associates degree from DeVry University in Technical Sarcasm. So that sort of makes me a sarcastic technician if you will. In the business we go by "Sartec", just saying...... Now steady yourself son and behold the sarcastic stylings of the Golden Chinese Monkey......

2) Sensible? Well that all depends on your definition of sensible. It's actually pretty subjective, at least I think so; Sensible is knowing when you are in over your head, long before the water reaches your armpits. Sensible is having an opinion, but knowing when to not share it. Sensible is not putting up a fight in the prison shower when it's the day before your last parole hearing. Sensible is knowing that the person on the other end of Internet connection may just be hustling you one response after another ;)

3) A person on the Internet once quoted a man he overheard in a mall foodcourt say "to be the man, sometimes you gotta give the actual man a reach around" So in closing, I have yet to feel anyone scratching my perineal region :brows:
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Dear Benito,
I will explain TWO things here:

1) I would not expect you to know me, so I will be honest with you and write that I am exceptionally sarcastic. In fact, I have an associates degree from DeVry University in Technical Sarcasm. So that sort of makes me a sarcastic technician if you will. In the business we go by "Sartec", just saying...... Now steady yourself son and behold the sarcastic stylings of the Golden Chinese Monkey......

2) Sensible? Well that all depends on your definition of sensible. It's actually pretty subjective, at least I think so; Sensible is knowing when you are in over your head, long before the water reaches your armpits. Sensible is having an opinion, but knowing when to not share it. Sensible is not putting up a fight in the prison shower when it's the day before your last parole hearing. Sensible is knowing that the person on the other end of Internet connection may just be hustling you one response after another ;)

3) A person on the Internet once quoted a man he overheard in a mall foodcourt say "to be the man, sometimes you got give the actual man a reach around" So in closing, I have yet to feel anyone scratching my perineal region :brows:

GCM2 For the win! Well played good sir well played!
Dear Benito,
I will explain TWO things here:

1) I would not expect you to know me, so I will be honest with you and write that I am exceptionally sarcastic. In fact, I have an associates degree from DeVry University in Technical Sarcasm. So that sort of makes me a sarcastic technician if you will. In the business we go by "Sartec", just saying...... Now steady yourself son and behold the sarcastic stylings of the Golden Chinese Monkey......

2) Sensible? Well that all depends on your definition of sensible. It's actually pretty subjective, at least I think so; Sensible is knowing when you are in over your head, long before the water reaches your armpits. Sensible is having an opinion, but knowing when to not share it. Sensible is not putting up a fight in the prison shower when it's the day before your last parole hearing. Sensible is knowing that the person on the other end of Internet connection may just be hustling you one response after another ;)

3) A person on the Internet once quoted a man he overheard in a mall foodcourt say "to be the man, sometimes you gotta give the actual man a reach around" So in closing, I have yet to feel anyone scratching my perineal region :brows:

Once again Greg shows us all why he is a master debater. 👍👍
Your myopic and egocentric view of this situation is reflective of what ails this country as a whole: no personal responsibility and no recognition of how one's actions might create waves in the pond of life around us.

Sorry, but you are flat-assed wrong. When an act of kindness is met with fraud and deceit, the purveyor of the kindness is much less likely to offer similar kindness in the future.

JKX aside, it's people like you who think insurance fraud only harms the insurance company, or that white collar crime is victimless.

Go sell crazy somewhere else, we aren't buying it here.

I completely agree with this! It nut burgers like Benito that are ruining this nation.
NO, not everyone gets to win, not everyone should get a trophy, medal, swag, tires, etc.
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Well since then i graduated, have a job, live on my own and make my jeep payments so this became irrelevant about five months ago. just letting you know.

As all the past trolls have said, including jeek.

And to quote a great TV show,

"It's my body, I'll do what I want."
I had to check the profile to see where this clown was from! I was surprised to see it was the South West. Being that damn self righteous, holier than thou is USUALLY reserved for the North West coast :idontknow:
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Lol. Wow, Latin...you must be educated. I have the right to hold a grudge because I have lived long enough, and worked hard enough over many years to support myself and my family, to know that integrity is not a sliding scale. Either you have it or you don't. Unfortunately in my line of work I get to see that every single day. I get to see how a person's selfish choices trickle outward far beyond the person making the choice, and I get to see how society pays the price. Hopefully someday you will have enough life experience to understand.

I understand how important it is to have integrity, and the OP doesn't have any. From what I am understanding is that you have a grudge against this guy because he stole the tires and now they won't be giving away tires or other things at the JK experience? But why should anyone who signs up for this event expect anything other then a great time, if you sign up for this event you should only expect to have a great time and that is it.

As all the past trolls have said, including jeek.

And to quote a great TV show,

"It's my body, I'll do what I want."

So you can bring up the subject, but i can't defend my current position, and if I do I'm a troll?

I had to check the profile to see where this clown was from! I was surprised to see it was the South West. Being that damn self righteous, holier than thou, handouts for all is USUALLY reserved for the North West coast :idontknow:

Handouts for all? My position this whole time has been that no one should expect anything from anyone
fixed it for you...now hang up the fedora and quit being a fucking self righteous prick and preaching to everyone!

If having a different opinion on subject makes a person "a fucking self righteous prick" then that I am sir. There is no doubt about it. How am I prick? I hope I haven't offended anybody. I haven't said anything bad about a single person, I have only expressed my opinion.

Anybody who signs up for the JK experience shouldn't expect anything more than a great time, anything else is a bonus. Hence my belief that anybody that thinks that this guy ruined it for everybody feels entitled to free stuff. This guy stealing the goods did not affect anybodies chance at being selected for this event thus I believe that there is no reason to have a personal vendetta against this person.
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How am I prick?
This is a rhetorical question right?

I haven't said anything bad about a single person....
So saying "as for you, you fuck" to Overlander isn't bad???

....I believe that there is no reason to have a personal vendetta against this person.

Go back to strumming your guitar, smoking dope, bad mouthing our country and do us all a favor if you really believe this, don't log on anymore.

If anyone "has a personal vendetta" what makes you the defender of this prick anyways?

Ps Tell your buddy Maertz and his sweet ass JK build (wreck) hi ;)
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If having a different opinion on subject makes a person "a fucking self righteous prick" then that I am sir. There is no doubt about it. How am I prick? I hope I haven't offended anybody. I haven't said anything bad about a single person, I have only expressed my opinion.

Anybody who signs up for the JK experience shouldn't expect anything more than a great time, anything else is a bonus. Hence my belief that anybody that thinks that this guy ruined it for everybody feels entitled to free stuff. This guy stealing the goods did not affect anybodies chance at being selected for this event thus I believe that there is no reason to have a personal vendetta against this person.

Son, learn when to quit, show some semblance of an ability to accept accountability. You've hit rock bottom. There is no redemption. Don't prove yourself to be an epic amateur and bust out a shovel looking to dig for China.
If having a different opinion on subject makes a person "a fucking self righteous prick" then that I am sir.

Difference of opinion is one thing, but telling everyone they need to stop what they are doing because its wrong blah blah blah in a situation you know nothing about and have no knowledge of the history of the subject is not an opinion...its being a prick. If you would have stuck up for the guy because of x,y,z then you would be having a difference of opinion. You would be wrong, but at least you wouldnt sound like a pompous turd!

Anybody who signs up for the JK experience shouldn't expect anything more than a great time

You missed the point, yet again...no one expects anything. Shit most of us never plan to/anticipate taking this trip. We are all pissed he used someone many of us know and stole from them.

Hence my belief that anybody that thinks that this guy ruined it for everybody feels entitled to free stuff.

no one here said that they are entitled to anything :idontknow: and I dont recall anyone saying he ruined it for anyone :thinking: Pastor(the only person on WAL that has the right to preach to anyone ;) ) said people like you are ruining america...and I tend to agree :yup:

This guy stealing the goods did not affect anybodies chance at being selected for this event

I didnt know that you were part of the selection commitee and could make this kind of guarantees

thus I believe that there is no reason to have a personal vendetta against this person.

The problem is that you think anyone gives a shit about what you (someone no one has ever seen or heard from before this thread) think or believe. :daydream:
I don't get it Benito, what is you're gripe here? Are you complaining that this thread gets bumped? So what. Are you they type of person who just won't stop until someone says "you are right"? Even when you aren't?

The way I see it you posted here saying this thread needs to die and there's no sense in bring this up. In any case that's you're opinion and you have the choice not to open and read. I'm just trying to understand if you think you have a dog in the fight.

He probably has the tire's :hmm: Maybe Benito is actually the guy trying to come back?:thinking: Doesn't make sense why Benito is trying so hard here:thinking:
I understand how important it is to have integrity, and the OP doesn't have any. From what I am understanding is that you have a grudge against this guy because he stole the tires and now they won't be giving away tires or other things at the JK experience? But why should anyone who signs up for this event expect anything other then a great time, if you sign up for this event you should only expect to have a great time and that is it.

No, that's not what I'm saying. I agree nobody should expect tires or anything else.

What bothers me is that it makes society less nice, less trustful, and less giving when we have to worry about getting scammed.
Damn, I've been trying my hardest to stay off my own forum so that I wouldn't get so distracted from work that I NEED to do but clearly, I'm missing out on all the fun. :sigh:

Having said all that, I just couldn't let this one go....

What this guy did was wrong....but I think it's time to get over it.

You're right, what this guy did was wrong and if you think it's time to get over it - get over it. Nobody is forcing you to be here or read ANYTHING that you don't want. If you don't like what you see, DON'T READ IT! It really is that simple.

If he did log in and stay a while what are you guys going to say? The same thing that this thread has become! And then what? He's supposed to apologize and it's going to make everything better. No, it's not.

As a matter of fact, yeah, he should man up and apologize to Mel and everyone here for what he did and not just to make everything "better" with the members of this forum but rather, just because it would be the right thing to do.

What's done is done.

So then none of this should matter to you.

I don't know any of the people that sponsor or run the JKx, however I feel that they are probably over it.

Then you shouldn't ASSUME how they feel.

This guy not showing up didn't affect them in any way just the way it didn't affect any of you.

You sure do like to make a lot of assumptions about people you don't know.

Ok sure however, a joke gets old pretty quick. The life span of a joke is 3 months top. Time for a new joke, move on.

So move on already. I am the owner of this forum and officially APPROVE of this "joke" - may it continue on indefinitely or, until the person in question can man up and do what is right.
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