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  1. jesse3638

    Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

    Everything seems to be going photovoltaic so not sure if birds get fried there. The Ivanpah plant by Stateline is a different story...haha
  2. jesse3638

    Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

    Yeah I recently traveled the hwy 138 between the Hwy 14 and I-5. I was amazed at the solar arrays out there. As far as the eye can see. I hadn't been out that way in at least 15 years it's crazy how these things are popping up all over. It's just the desert no one minds I guess...🤬
  3. jesse3638

    Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

    Yep. Should have updated San O vs decommissioning it.
  4. jesse3638

    Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

    Yes this is true. I know as recent as last year they were saying to not charge your electric vehicles during that time frame. And yes SCE has their TOU (time of use rates) and it's more expensive during that time frame. It was never a mandate, just a suggestion to prevent rolling black outs.
  5. jesse3638

    Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

    As a heart attack. State wide were supposed conserve electricity during that time.
  6. jesse3638

    Bunch of EVO Stuff

    Damn $2500 for shipping is a great deal. Now if only I had the other $650 for the front bumper or lived closer...haha. GLWS
  7. jesse3638

    Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

    He probably didn't have a full charge from the night before because they're not supposed to charge them between the hours of 4pm-9pm....haha. CA is so stupid
  8. jesse3638

    EV Awesomeness

    Still Gay
  9. jesse3638

    EV Awesomeness

    Surprisingly I've seen a lot of these things. Even parked next to one at a costco. It's a lot bigger than I thought.
  10. jesse3638

    Round Mountain/Hadly, NV

    Yep. Forst plan, come up with a plan...haha
  11. jesse3638

    Round Mountain/Hadly, NV

    Thanks everyone for the advice. With potentially a year to look into this and plan were definitely looking hard at this.
  12. jesse3638

    Round Mountain/Hadly, NV

    Hmmmm ill show Lisa
  13. jesse3638

    Round Mountain/Hadly, NV

    Seems like TN is the place to be these days...haha
  14. jesse3638

    Round Mountain/Hadly, NV

    Yes you would. To be in another state...haha. With the year time frame were definitely looking much harder. We're making plans to go vist her friend and see the school now.
  15. jesse3638

    Round Mountain/Hadly, NV

    That's what I did with my retirement and starting my own business and so far so good.
  16. jesse3638

    Round Mountain/Hadly, NV

    I also don't sell shitty trendy boutique coffee. I sell great coffee to blue collar folk so I may be able to make that work. My wife said you make very good point. Don't tell Jen that...haha
  17. jesse3638

    Round Mountain/Hadly, NV

    Haven't you paid attention. I did a year and a half ago...haha. well took a deferred retirement. I run a coffee stand/pop-up now...haha.
  18. jesse3638

    Round Mountain/Hadly, NV

    I'm all for with making due with less. Online ordering would be helpful for somethings I'm sure but I doubt instacart would make that trek.....haha.
  19. jesse3638

    Round Mountain/Hadly, NV

    I honestly love the idea of living out there. My wife's friend who actually recommended her for the position was from here and absolutely loves it up there. Says the community is great. Kids play outside all day. Really small town living. My wife got word that they'd actually hold the position...
  20. jesse3638

    Round Mountain/Hadly, NV

    Yeah thats what we were looking at. It's literally a "one room" school. As for ranching goes the only thing I know is hard work, I'm a quick learner, and have decently thick skin..haha.
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