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  1. GP NOIR

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

  2. GP NOIR

    Drivers and Diners - Where you eating?

    The best tacos are where the most murders happen
  3. GP NOIR

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

  4. GP NOIR

    P0303….At the end of my patience and wallet

    Yeah, leaky compression will cost a chunk of change to fix. But a leak down check will narrow things down.
  5. GP NOIR

    P0303….At the end of my patience and wallet

    Have a leak down test done. My engine had two bad valves and a bad head. If I’d started with a leak down check, I would have save a few hundred dollars.
  6. GP NOIR

    P0303….At the end of my patience and wallet
  7. GP NOIR

    Karen Of The Day

    It’s gotta be a Rough Country
  8. GP NOIR

    Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

    He was a Karen with sensitive feet
  9. GP NOIR

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    According to Reuters, there’s nothing to support the claim Haitians are stealing and eating cats
  10. GP NOIR

    Favorite Quotes...From Ben Franklin Or Whomever...

    “The best tacos are where the most murders happen.” -Larry Correia, author of the series “Monster Hunter International”, talking about the underbelly of Sacramento, California
  11. GP NOIR

    BULLSH!T BINGO 2024 - Round 2

    Did anyone bring up Jeep loan forgiveness? It’s staggering how many Americans are burdened with Jeep debt.
  12. GP NOIR

    40's -vs- 42's..... Ready.. Discuss!

    Presley is young and sometimes doesn’t know what he doesn’t know, but he’s learning. He’s a great guy to wheel with. Good, upbeat attitude. His Jeep is still close to stock and that’s to his credit. His skills & experience and his Jeep are growing together which is making him a better wheeler...
  13. GP NOIR

    Joke Thread

    The irony
  14. GP NOIR

    Random Internet Shit you've come across
  15. GP NOIR

    PEOPLE SUCK and that INCLUDES Off Roaders!!

    That’s not the only problem in the Atacama Desert
  16. GP NOIR

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Your therapist must Dr. Harleen Quinzel
  17. GP NOIR

    Old School Cool

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