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Hey anyone want to go Overlanding with me? I would sure appreciate the company.
whats overlanding? obviously, there is no such thing:crazyeyes:
Hey anyone want to go Overlanding with me? I would sure appreciate the company.
The funniest part of this whole thing is most these posts are said tongue and cheek. Nobody is bashing anybody. Don't get all hurt and bent out shape.
You want a snorkel, go right ahead. Hell, you want to add fins and a propeller, you can do that too. Are there some rigs and some situations that would benefit from fins and prop, absolutely! :crazyeyes: But it doesn't mean they are the most practical of mods and would be used as much as others.
Personally, this is the best overlander mod in my book.
View attachment 12419
So this is the best overlander?
I don't think so because I got hung up on a 2 foot high rock. But I did get 20 MPG that day so I guess it is an overlander. Guess I'll sell the lift and tires now. Anyone want some 35's?:cheesy:
Bandit I agree with you. I would be up to some day doing what you say.
What is overlanding? It's a label plain and simple...
Thanks. I mean, I guess we all fit in the category as overlanders, it's just a term we simply don't use. Instead we say wheeling or whatever. It doesn't matter when you think about it, because at the end of the day weather it's a 1 day or 1 year trip we are doing it for the same reason. Which is adventure travel. Weather it's climbing boulders or just a simple unpaved road. We get just as excited making our way into remote places that not many vehicles can get to, while at the same time having fun climbing the obstacles it takes to get there. So at the end of the day, we are all Doing the same thing. We build our rigs how we want and call them whatever we want simply because we can! I wasn't trying to stir up a mess on this thread, just wanted to explain what overlanding is to me and thousands of others. And what I realized is, we are all overlanding, look it up in wiki. Traveling to remote areas while being totally self sufficient over a 1 day to many years! That's the definition of what we all do here!!!
It can't be SIMPLE! I mean we have 55 pages of 'debate'!!! :cheesy::cheesy:
Thanks. I mean, I guess we all fit in the category as overlanders, it's just a term we simply don't use. Instead we say wheeling or whatever. It doesn't matter when you think about it, because at the end of the day weather it's a 1 day or 1 year trip we are doing it for the same reason. Which is adventure travel. Weather it's climbing boulders or just a simple unpaved road. We get just as excited making our way into remote places that not many vehicles can get to, while at the same time having fun climbing the obstacles it takes to get there. So at the end of the day, we are all Doing the same thing. We build our rigs how we want and call them whatever we want simply because we can! I wasn't trying to stir up a mess on this thread, just wanted to explain what overlanding is to me and thousands of others. And what I realized is, we are all overlanding, look it up in wiki. Traveling to remote areas while being totally self sufficient over a 1 day to many years! That's the definition of what we all do here!!!
That is the great thing about this WAYALIFE, we are all here with many different builds that suite our individual financial and wheeling needs, and we are non discriminatory about how people build their rigs. I really trust Eddie, GCM2, and all the other very knowledgeable people here that donate their time and give free advice. I have seen the pictures, and read their tales of their real world experience and all the crap they have broken on their quest to build a good solid rig. They are only here to help those of us that do not have their wealth of knowledge, at no cost to us. We recognize that there are different opinions and like GCM2 stated we all try to build solid vehicles with the best parts so breakdowns are as infrequent as possible. We may all have different skill levels and opinions but we all have the same WAYALIFE! :thumb:
Edit: We try not to label each other in here and that was pretty much the whole point of this thread.
:cheesy: More like 10 pages of debate and 45 pages of sillyness :crazyeyes:
To quote Confucius, “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” The Jeep wayalife is just as simple, self-proclaimed overlanders just insist on making it complicated.
:cheesy: More like 10 pages of debate and 45 pages of sillyness :crazyeyes:
To quote Confucius, “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” The Jeep wayalife is just as simple, self-proclaimed overlanders just insist on making it complicated.
I would... Sorry my tires are too big, don't have a roof rack, snorkel, fridge, enough gas cans or water storage... But if you want to go wheeling. YES. dde01
Ill leave it at this. and thats all Im going to say.
What is Overlanding?
History, wildlife, culture, scenery, self-sufficiency - these are the rewards of overlanding.
Overlanding describes self-reliant adventure travel to remote destinations where the journey is the primary goal. Typically, but not exclusively, accommodated by mechanized off-highway capable transport (from bicycles to trucks) where the principal form of lodging is camping; often lasting for extended lengths of time (months to years) and often spanning international boundaries. While expedition is defined as a journey with a purpose, overlanding sees the journey as the purpose.
So weather you have a rig with 40" tires or not, call yourself a 4wheeler, rock crawler, overlander or whatever you want is all good with me:thumb:
Thanks. I mean, I guess we all fit in the category as overlanders, it's just a term we simply don't use. Instead we say wheeling or whatever. It doesn't matter when you think about it, because at the end of the day weather it's a 1 day or 1 year trip we are doing it for the same reason. Which is adventure travel. Weather it's climbing boulders or just a simple unpaved road. We get just as excited making our way into remote places that not many vehicles can get to, while at the same time having fun climbing the obstacles it takes to get there. So at the end of the day, we are all Doing the same thing. We build our rigs how we want and call them whatever we want simply because we can! I wasn't trying to stir up a mess on this thread, just wanted to explain what overlanding is to me and thousands of others. And what I realized is, we are all overlanding, look it up in wiki. Traveling to remote areas while being totally self sufficient over a 1 day to many years! That's the definition of what we all do here!!!
I believe you are one of the few that is really trying to make this a constructive conversation.
Hey, I resent that! I offered to do a write-up even.