Well I guess on that note I respectfully bow out.
I’m not on Facebook so i wasn’t aware of any interactions with Kevin or anybody from Lite Brite. I’m not sure where his distaste for the forum comes from, especially since he is fully aware of the thread about him on here.
I’ve never said a cross word about Wayalife, and never will, but this has gotten too personal at this point because now I’m to a point where i have to pick sides between two things I care deeply about.
I can promise you that Drew is not a piece of shit. He’s actually a very sweet and caring person, but he can get incredibly petty especially if he’s trying to poke fun at something I very much enjoy.
With that being said though i feel the best for this situation is to respectfully leave. I wish nothing but the best for all members here
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This is not him poking fun. Maybe it’s time to man up and tell him he is wrong.
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I must make it known though that he was incredibly grateful for all the thoughts and prayers during his medical scare. I truthfully do not understand why he’s chosen to take the side he’s taken, and unfortunately that choice is reflecting quite hardly on me.
If I had to guess I would guess it’s because he isn’t actually a member here to see the HUGE community aspect of this forum so he’s only seeing one side of it and basing his opinions solely on that.
Thanks for being honest that it was him that posted that stuff. If he really was grateful for our support, I really don't get why he would post that stuff when he's not a member here, yet he knew about that very thread that supported him. Maybe he's just a big fan of Lite Brite :idontknow: I'm guessing it's not for the blonde though....
Well shit after reading over this thread again. I see now I was wrong about Adams comment. Looks like they actually asked for it. They made it into a contest. "Free hat to the first person who actually offends us. Lol" Words like Cunt and Whore are usually winners when said to a woman. So Adam my apologies (yes that was painful) and congratulations your new hat. Maybe you can just donate it to Drew.
Well shit after reading over this thread again. I see now I was wrong about Adams comment. Looks like they actually asked for it. They made it into a contest. "Free hat to the first person who actually offends us. Lol" Words like Cunt and Whore are usually winners when said to a woman. So Adam my apologies (yes that was painful) and congratulations your new hat. Maybe you can just donate it to Drew.
Finally someone who can read !! ��.
I think he should get a signed poster.
Let’s be real honest here they publicly post pics on their business page for attention, clicks and ratings. Do you really think they are offended by the word whore? Aaaaa no.
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View attachment 324946.
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Do these come in video?:brows:
Hey everybody, it’s Drew.
Ryan raised my attention to a few things that I would like to address and apologize for.
First off, I want to say thank you to everyone who posted in the thread about my hospital stay. Ryan told me that people were praying and asking about me but I didn’t realize how many people were until I read the thread associated with it. For that I am truly humbled.
My actions and comments on Facebook were not ones meant to cause trouble or to make anybody feel betrayed. The simple truth is, as Ryan said, I did not realize the community aspect of this website and I was judging my opinions based off of screenshots, comments of others, and the few miscellaneous comments I’ve read over the past without proper context.
My actions were purely emotional, as I had met Lite Brite at CFR and got to know them outside of social media. I felt like despite Ryan’s loyalty to this community I should stand by them. I now see the full scope of the ordeal and understand that I was in the wrong to make the comments I did.
Truthfully, I thought it was a friendly competition type of thing at first and didn’t understand the whole competing channel aspect of it, so in a way I was doing it to jab at Ryan but I took it way too far.
For all of this I would like to extend an apology. I owe one to Eddie, the rest of wayalife, and to Ryan.
The only thing I ask is that you don’t let my actions reflect onto Ryan. It was my doing, and one that he had no knowledge of. Do not let this change your opinion of him, because if you were in my shoes you wouldn’t doubt that he loves this community, solely based on the conversation he had with me on the topic tonight.
If you have anything to say regarding it, please take it up with me.
Thank you,
Miss a week and all Hell breaks loose :crazyeyes:
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Ways of our Lives.