Ryan, longarmwj, this post is in no way to belittle you, however, I'm sure you won't be happy with it regardless. Is this shit for real? Below are posts between Drew and Kevin Williams at Lite Brite. My first thought was that this Drew guy (your buddy) is a piece of shit. But then, the more I thought about how low Lite Brite slumped the other day, maybe it's all a setup. I don't trust anyone anymore so whatever. Someone just sent me this. Is this shit for real?
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If this is real, does Drew even have a fucking clue about the thread you started for him a few weeks ago when he almost bled to death?!
And does he have a clue how many WAYALIFE members that prayed for him and supported him even though we didn't directly know him?! Does he even realize that this is an actual community and not a YouTube infomercial like other so-called Jeep channels?
If this is a hoax, not surprised. If this is real, fuck this guy.