Everyone has opinions yet you're the only one who continues to try and back up yours. At this point the topic of LED lights is moot. Its your continued attempt to prove you are right. Humility (not to be confused with humiliation) goes along way. Try and see someone else's point sometimes and check the ego at the door. This is forum is great because you'll immediately get called to the carpet if an ambiguous or ignorant comment is made. Its all in an attempt to keep things as close to that facts as possible. People will be people, some more PC than others. Get over yourself. Honestly if my eyes allow me to see better with light A over light B regardless that the light-o-mometer tells me light B is brighter, that is what I'm going to use. It's my money and I'll spend it how I'd like, not how some ass hat with a light reading doohicky tells me. That's all the OP was looking for. Not all your LED/HID/Halogen/lumens propaganda. Hope you have a great day. Go vote for Hiliary. See You Next Tuesday!