Y'all are fucking stupid. Go fuck yourselves.

I have PTSD DICKHEAD! And people like you down play it. I can walk around and all day talking my head off about it and no one would listen. What should I give it to the VA...? That's a joke. I don't know, maybe some doctor who will buy a new Porsche instead of actually doing something about it. Maybe I can save one guy when he comes to me to talk about a Jeep that represents what we go thru everyday!! That's worth it don't you think asshole? I'm not only building a Jeep but a practice to help others with PTSD/TBI. YOU SHOULD ASK BEFORE YOU CRITICIZE ME!!

So are going to pay taxes and keep detailed records of every dollar donated in parts and service?

I'm only assuming you are a registered 501c3 since you clearly are doing this for charity and to raise awareness only. Please let us know so we can look you up and also to receive any tax deductions for giving.


I'm just giving $0.02 so I won't need a donation form with your tax ID. [emoji6]

Here's my picture of this dude! Lol He's sitting around circling pictures of you all's Jeeps. Lol. Better watch out on the trail. At least you'll hear him coming. He'll either be talking to himself or you'll hear that big ass motor he'll have. Lol.
Jesus Christ it seems like the loonies are coming out in full swing here lately. Why is it that some former military folk feel the need to try to use their military past as a threat towards people. And really? Making threats to somebody online. What a fucking pussy that guy is. I can't imaging being that much of a loser that I have to go online and make threats to people because they called me out on my bullshit. Grow the fuck up and do us all a favor and just sell your Jeep. You don't belong in the Jeep hobby and nobody wants you to be.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
Was I the only one who saw that when this guy joined a few months ago he would end up this way? I could sense he wasn't a fit in but trying really hard to. Maybe it was me.

Sent from my 831C using WAYALIFE mobile app

Funny that you mention that. Every once and a while you can sense that some of these newbs are just a little too excited to be here, a little too passionate, a little too loud, a little too active. Then they post something stupid or objectionable, get called out and bam, full blown over reaction. Most just get pissed off, say some shit and leave on their own. This guy, it's obvious that he has some serious issues beyond the PTSD. I hope he gets the help he needs and soon.
Posted unnecessary comments, edited for my own peace of mind. More than just a....
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