
Caught the Bug
Good afternoon everyone, I’ve got a problem with my Jeep and I hope someone can help.

I’ve only owned the Jeep for four months now, and i bought it used with roughly 75k miles. Started it a couple of days ago, and when I put it in gear, the throttle went wide open. Since you have to brake to engage and I was parked in a gravel lot, it went nowhere, just spun the tires. I kicked the transmission into neutral and it returned to an idle. Hasn’t happened since but if I had been on asphalt It most certainly would have moved the vehicle. This has me thinking every time I start it. Anyone have this happen to them?
Not stupid at all. We’ve played every scenario we could especially operator input. What ends all, is it immediately fell to idle when I put the transmission in neutral. Forgot to mention, 2021 diesel. I’m going to try the dealership tomorrow, just thought I’d run it through here first.
Being that everything is drive by wire these days I could be a software anomaly issue. The dealer may have a ecm update available that resolves it
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