Beautiful!Got my new Core4x4 track bar in. This thing is beautiful. Just by contacting them, they built this thing fully custom for me based on my custom axle application. The dual Johnny joints are custom, the length is custom, and the bends are custom. Can't wait to install it. I've had really good luck with this company as far as quality and customer service.
View attachment 285330
View attachment 285331
Nice!!!!!! :thumb:
It works better because it's blue...
Hope this takes care of the issues you had with the other one. Weird how the old one loosened up constantly.
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Between yesterday and today, I've put about 100 miles on it. All I can say is that its motion is a lot smoother. I hope it stays tight with no issues. It feels a lot different but I like it (yes, that's what she said).
^^^Nice Fix!
Has it increased hp and fuel consumption?
It actually looks good..
Thanks. As far as fuel consumption, I'm still trying to figure out the easiest way to get the proper additive in the tank.
Has it increased hp and fuel consumption?
It actually looks good..