Caught the Bug
I'd love to get the integrated on board air function of the Powerplant but it'd be sitting on top of a PSC Brawler Lite bumper vs. in a sunken bumper on my rig and I'd be afraid out here in Vegas and trips to Moab, etc. it would still restrict too much to the radiator but interested in others experience vs. my assumptions. :idontknow: Currently leaning toward a Zeon and an ARB under seat or under hood compressor.
I have a zeon 10s on top of my rampage bumper which is also a top mount. I Have wheeled in Moab, sat in 110 degree 3 hour NYC traffic jams, etc and have NEVER had a single issue. In fact, I have never met anyone that had an overheating issue because of a winch. I have met one guy with a jeep that blamed his winch from overheating but since I have dealt with this problem before on sports cars, I quickly solved his problem. It wasn't the winch, but the mesh he was running in his slats. His mesh was way too tight, and would be called 40% on sites that sell sheets of it meaning, it allows 40% of air to pass through. As soon as he removed the mesh, his problem went away. I didn't want the power plant because I didn't want two systems tied into one unit in case of failure. I'm not saying that its going to fail but I like my setup better. I have underhood onboard air and a winch. Two independent units so if one fails I don't need to replace both systems. The power plant is an excellent unit. If it suits your needs I would have no qualms about getting it.