Whoopty fucken doo, cancel my account, I'm so distraught over this!

Now you can shove a fat dick up each of your asses, faggots!!!

I'm outta here and never returning. Ya'll can keep up the trolling though.

Classic insecure and homophobic slur, classy! :thumb:

Dollar says he posts again tonight!

I've never heard of a member coming back after making a claim like this. They are clearly standup gentlemen and men of their word. Only a loser would do anything differently! :yup:
That was fun

Wow I just read all 9 pages of this douchery, it was pretty funny but please don't let Oscar_mike, or what ever his name is, make a bad rep for AZ Jeepers. I am close enough to Surprise and willing to make the drive if needed....

Such disrespect, he definitely does not understand the Wayalife, not just the site but the way of life it really is....

There have been things about Arizona that I haven't been proud about but this by far is the worst!

-I know I don't post a lot but I am on here all the time, seeing the announcements and I cannot wait for the new hoodie design! I appreciate all the write ups and all of the work that goes into this website. It really has made my life easier!
:pop2: :munching:

And just as things got interesting Frodo took to his hobbit toes and retreated into the shire...

Nobody seemed to care that you were gone nearly 3 years dick with ears!
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