who else is gonna be refreshing a lot tonight?

some guys said pick me or something like that I guess he took it out of context. all serious and shit.lol but thanks that was fun.
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Did I miss something? :thinking:

Just referring to all if the "pick me pick me" going on. They just need to relax a bit and enjoy the wait. The waiting is the whole fun of it, which, I would assume, is why you require them to respond within 5 mins instead of just giving it to the first name regardless.
seems there is something more often than not with him...:idontknow:

Haha, pretty bold statement considering I've never even seen your handle before...

And yet telling about how quickly you are perceived. One might say you've had several bold statements. Just something to consider. I don't know you so can't pass judgement other than by what you write.
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