Me too. And if you look at the date on the photo I had to live through that dark September.
That September has been erased from time. We don't speak of it.
My #1 copilot
View attachment 63486View attachment 63487View attachment 63489
Here's my life in a nut shell, from what I have on my work computer. (minus the uniform pictures)
The off-spring and I "cheezing" after a long night at work. Then the off-spring, his momma and I at our last family pictures. And lastly, DANG 2 stuffing the passenger side in a pretty gnarly spot.
View attachment 82271me and my better half
View attachment 82272My 4 daughters
View attachment 82273 what I do
View attachment 82274 My stock ( for now,til I get home) XJ
Beautiful family, that's a nice XJ too. Can't wait to see the upgrades installed :thumb:
Beautiful family, that's a nice XJ too. Can't wait to see the upgrades installed :thumb:
Wow! 4 daughters! There is a handful! I get worn out by two....
Oops! Quoted the wrong post. Was referring to sean112280....