Meme King
Some updates on this Reveal X Pro camera that I've had out there for about a week now.
Battery life. Temps have been in 20s at night.
Camera 1 takes the second most amount of pictures and has the cheap alkaline batteries in it and still has 100% battery life. This is the one with the solar panel that has its own battery pack. So it's safe to assume the panel is working.
Camera 2 takes the least amount of photos and has 80% battery life left. This is using a rechargeable lithium pack.
Camera 3 takes the most photos (over 300 this week) and has 50% battery life left. This also has the rechargeable lithium pack which I'll be charging tomorrow hopefully.

I either didn't look hard enough or it wasn't there, but I couldn't find any info on whether camera settings would be affected when removing and installing the battery pack. I reached out to Tactacam and they got back to me the same day and said settings are saved internally and battery changes don't affect anything. Turn off camera, swap batteries, turn on again. They did recommend taking a test photo again just to make sure all is good and camera aim didn't get bumped.
Battery life. Temps have been in 20s at night.
Camera 1 takes the second most amount of pictures and has the cheap alkaline batteries in it and still has 100% battery life. This is the one with the solar panel that has its own battery pack. So it's safe to assume the panel is working.
Camera 2 takes the least amount of photos and has 80% battery life left. This is using a rechargeable lithium pack.
Camera 3 takes the most photos (over 300 this week) and has 50% battery life left. This also has the rechargeable lithium pack which I'll be charging tomorrow hopefully.

I either didn't look hard enough or it wasn't there, but I couldn't find any info on whether camera settings would be affected when removing and installing the battery pack. I reached out to Tactacam and they got back to me the same day and said settings are saved internally and battery changes don't affect anything. Turn off camera, swap batteries, turn on again. They did recommend taking a test photo again just to make sure all is good and camera aim didn't get bumped.