Just a word of advice, plan what you want done and have the money/resources set aside to do it. My mom passed away about this time last year. Her funeral was almost 9,000 dollars. No big deal. She wanted a nice casket, full service with a dinner for friends and family. The plot, and headstone was purchase and paid for prior to her death. She planned it all out. Made it super easy for me. Had all of her contact numbers organized, so I knew who to call for her pension, social security, her investor, her attorney, and a copy of her living trust. Everything was simple. She even had the money to cover the funeral is a separate account.
I want to make it this easy for my kids. I want to be cremated, and so does my wife. The kids know to mix our ashes together and then spread our ashes at the same time on a mountain top above the tree line. Our affairs will be in order as they are right now.
Now my wife's parents will be a shit storm. They spend every penny they have carry debt and are close to their eighties. Just did a reverse mortgage on their house have credit cards with thousands of dollars for a balances. I know that when they pass, their adult children will be stuck with the bill for their burial. They have not bought any plots, nor planned anything. There is four adult children, the average cost is about ten grand for a funeral in Michigan so the two of them will saddle their kids with approx five grand in cost for them and leave a cluster for the oldest to sort out. I love them and they have been awesome in-laws, but I know that in the end they will not handle their business. They never have and probably never will.
I imagine that there are people out there that end up having to take out a loan to bury their parents. Don't be like that to your kids. Let your kids buy cool shit like Jeeps and not have them worry about having ten grand set aside to bury you.