Where did your Jeep take You this Week?

Colorado trip


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1) you paid for a jeep rental and 2) you drive too much. :clap2:


1) Always find great deals on rentals so not much more than a full size vehicle. [emoji106] Needed the extra space for all the Wave I brought back in my checked baggage. [emoji6][emoji33] #truestory

2) Eh, we enjoyed our three excursion days. That said, we are going to limit it to two next year. And hopefully extend our stay a couple more days if things work out. [emoji41]
Laurel Lakes, CA.
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And Wheeler Ridge
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Also found this furry friend that got dangerously close to climbing in the back of my rig while we were snapping photos
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I'm taking our club up to Mammoth next week and plan to do both of these runs. Can you give me any more info on Wheeler Ridge? Not sure if PM's are available from this site. I'm a newbie here.
So from Aug 5-11th the wife, son and I took the Jeep to Colorado from Socal to meet up with her Grandfather in Gunnison. On the way out we were going to stop off in Moab for a day but as luck would have it. That morning I woke up to a dead battery that would not even jump off. So I had to buy an new battery and change it in the hotel parking lot. Then when we finally got to Moab and it started pouring down rain. So we just stopped at the Moab Diner for lunch and headed out out to CO.
When in Co we hit a few trails.
Union canyon
Taylor Pass
Schofield Pass to Lead King Basin
Engineer to Mineral Creek to Poughkeepsie Gulch to California Gulch
Then James (Uberc4) and I hit Holy Cross. There was a Toyota Jamboree going on and about 10 yotas, mostly trailer buggies in front of us. But I can say that we made the obstacles on look a lot easier than most of them did taking the same lines.
Here are the few shot I managed to get. Most are poser shots. But it was a great couple days in the mountains.

Poser coming down Schofield

Lead King Basin probably the most beautiful I have ever seen.

Off Mineral Creek

Poser top of Poughkeepsie

James and I at Holy Cross city

Dropping back in French creek on the way down
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