tobias lopez
New member
Did a little night trails. pulled out a Tacoma and Silverado trying to play with the big boys! 

No trails, but headed up to Paso Robels ca. I stopped at Firestone Brewery had a tour and a IPA beer was great and the tour was cool. Learned alot. After that checked out some homes and land. Then saw santa, we attended the Christmas lighting parade. That was cool had a great time.
Nice! Firestone IPA is a good brew
As COZ would say more throttle.:cheesy:
Went to Northwest OHV located in Bridgeport, TX. Had a great time. Now I know what the all the hubbub is about rocks. Love them. The sliders really got a work out today. Here is a brief video of my very first hill climb on something other than in the swamps of Florida.
As COZ would say more throttle.:cheesy:
I need more power scottyyy!!!!:cheesy::cheesy:
I was giving it all I could. 
hahah! ya a little different then the stuff you have run, how did you like it so far?