:cheesy::cheesy: I fucking love your tire cover!
Lol. It's quite possibly my favorite upgrade to the Jeep!
My son and I took Fiona out on our very first off road run in Last Chance Canyon (see the Wayalife newbie run from a few years back for a reference). Never been off road before. Found out later that we were running 80psi in the tires. Stopped at HF to buy a jack and a tire iron on the way out of town. This is how wet behind the ears we were.
We ran the trail with no issues and were having a blast! Came up the the last obstacle - "Graduation Hill" - and there was a guy in a FJ that was all decked out in a total mall crawler style. He was aired down, though.

He had 3 girls with him and was obviously trying to impress them.
I shit you not, for 20 minutes this guy was trying to figure out how to get up the wall and tried 2 or 3 different lines before he finally made it up. I had my son walk up to the top to give me an idea of the best way to go.
When the FJ was clear of the trail, I threw Fiona in 4lo, locked the diffs, aimed her at the wall, and she did the rest. When I crested the top of the wall, all of the FJ folks were watching with their mouths open.
The guy stopped me and said, "You made that look so easy!" I just looked at him and the girls and said, "Maybe next time you should buy a Jeep!"

For my birthday, I received a package from my son who was overseas by this time. In it was this tire cover. Every time I look at it, it makes me smile! I probably get more comments on that than anything else on her.
Build Thread - Adventures of Fiona -