I just had to get the heck out of the house, so I ran out to my favorite little getaway spot. I didnt anticipate doing much because of the snow and all, but there was a little adventure to be had.
My intention was just to take a drive on a dirt road in the area but since the trailhead was right there, I thought I would at least take a peak. Surprisingly, it was clear of snow. So I aired down and took a look.
While trying to keep in mind the elevated risk factor of being alone, I made it much farther than I anticipated. And really, the trail was very clear so I felt comfortable. This is a trail I've done dozens of times. But it didnt take long for the trail to let me know that I was done for the day..
Having no desire to start a solo winching party, it was time to head out. One last flex, because I can.
Time to air back up and track down some lunch.
Nice to see you getting out. :beer:
Great pics Jake! I want to run Pickle sometime. So many trails, so little time.
Thanks. Being unemployed for the last month has had me seriously chomping at the bit. I dont think I've even put pants on in over a week, much less leave the house. :cheesy:
Wow. Didn't realize that. Sorry to hear unless it's a good thing. Hope things are going well for you.
Yeah, it's kind of killing me.Man, and I thought I was chomping a the bit. I cant even imagine having a fresh build and nowhere to take it!
It's not the end of the world. But I'm considering printing 4 or 5 thousand copies of my resume and just having an airplane dump them all over the city. Might be quicker.
In today's world, just say that you're a lesbian minority transvestite with offensive viewpoints towards anything moral and ethical and you'll get hired quickstyle.
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Camped at Alabama hills this weekend and drove through reward mine. What an experience!