Today, my beautiful wife, daughter and myself played around at ElDorado Canyon. It'd an old mining area, a few are still active, but not as many as some would have you believe. Fun wheeling and exploring.
My wife screamed while hiking up to a mine, scared the poop out of me, thinking Rattlesnake, but what she almost stepped on was this:

Not sure, but I think she scared the poop out of the spider too.
Anyway, the real scary part of the trip, actually, kinda pissed me off ( sorry for foul language ) was when my daughter almost stepped on these:

Yes, these are old sticks of dynamite. One batch hidden under a piece of junk metal. She knew to ask, and look around before proceeding, and waited for me. Good girl. Anyway, here are some mine pics. :

Oohhh: almost forgot the best part:

Anyway, Good Day and God Bless.