This thread brings up an excellent point...Filter the trail advice you get...two weekends back my wife and I went wheeling with a local club and at the trail head everyone got out to air down ( I have no source to air up again so we just chilled). Prior to mounting up to start down the trail the "leader" yelled out LOCKEM if you GOTem! (we do not have lockers) My wife looks at me and says "should we be going with them if we need lockers?"....The trail rating was 2.0:naw: so I told her we will tough it out:yup:.
At the lunch stop we talked to some folks about their rigs and lifts and got MANY recommendations on what to buy for our "limited" Unlimited. When asked what I was gonna do to it first I explained my "EVO ittiss" and desire to go to a Enforcer Kit or possibly the Coilover kits and I got the standard "Just get a TF or AEV kit and save yourself some money for .....many other items...
I realize there is many ways to approach a build but I wish there was a more logical way to get answers than trial and error with a pack of folks who hate products because they don't run it...