I just thought I would share an idea I had when I installed my Poison Spyder hood louver last week. After making the cut outs they want you to paint the edges to prevent rust, so I took a little extra time and masked off the triangle section under the hood, and did a quick sanding to etch the surface. After that i wiped down and used Rustolium black rattle can. the hood louver now blends in nicely and looks more like a factory part, then an after thought add on part. I took the cut out hood pieces and put blue masking tape over the body color paint. Quickly took some paper and made square templates for the bumpers, and bumper skid plate. Cut out squares using an air cut-off wheel ( you could use snips, or moto-tool for same thing) ground down the edges cleaned under the back bumpers/skid plate. Applied 3M adhesive promoter and 3M body tape on the squares. Firmly placed on the backs of the bumpers& skid plate, and they are on there, you would think I welded them on the back .LOL The end result is hardly any dollars spent (just time), and I think came out pretty trick. I haven't seen this done before and I think the empty recessed spaces look neat highlighted in body color.:thumb: