Wheel torque

Oh my god, really!?!!? You are kidding right?

By lubing the inclined plane that is the threads, you increase said planes efficiency, thereby increasing the clamping force. YOU have it completely backwards. Check out this reference:


It states "Generally, lubrication of bolt threads causes the friction and torque coefficient to decrease and so the clamping to increase."

Please PLEASE stop spreading incorrect information on this forum. To me it just makes common sense that lubricated threads create less friction and thereby more clamping force. When you deal with Loctite, thread tape, etc you have to DECREASE the amount of torque applied to get the same clamping force value.

I had never heard anyone say that either, but now you know that it is incorrect. Yes, no one should lube their lug nuts ever anyways. Just be careful when you apply torque when using Loctite.

Spoken facts.
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