What's your view like at work?

Today's view.
It really sucks I'm trapped working after hours with this awesome good weather outside
I am always outside, and this ended up being my view for a couple days. We laid over 2,200 Feet of PVC Pipe. This picture was taken around the halfway point. I am working many jobs though, so this is just one of the better pictures. :D

Mine varies from job to job. Sometimes it this..

Sometimes this...

And this...

But when time allows, its this...
BPO photographer and Oreilys sucks I know but when your on college anything that feeds yours classes is good

I have to drive this dam truck all day
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I want to make one of those canoes so bad!!!!!

Go for it! There are a LOT of plans and kits out there. Plans are great if you have tools, kits are great if you don't. Once you have built and paddled enough, you can develop your own design. I started years ago with the Wee Lassie plans ( an 1800's design)
I still build using strips, but these are actually a light marine plywood thats even lighter and stronger.

I don't want to clutter up the Jeep forum, but if you want any info, advice, or help drop me a pm.
I'm jealous of all the views...cameras are strictly prohibited where I work...ITAR and DSS and all that good stuff...but if I could show you, you'd be mesmerized by the tan cinder block walls, the sea of cubicles, wall to wall grey carpeting, sterile laboratories, and no windows whatsoever. It's like the title sequence of Get Smart just to get in here. The upside is that you can drink all the free Starbuck's and Mountain Dew that you want. Apparently a steady diet of caffeine is good for productivity and keeps the big brains from going all postal.
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