What's your view like at work?

Yes I am ...

Glad you are still here brother. Most times I get in first and park all the way at the end of the parking lot so my guys can park closer, not that it's a very big lot..... Today four of them are TDY and two others are on leave, so screw it. I parked up front....
I feel very lucky to have the job I have. I'm in the healthcare it world and only really need access to a laptop and phone to do my job. I try to work from home as much as possible. 41 degrees today and this is my back yard...

Yes. Stopping at uncle SAMs. Gonna bring you half for tonight....

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Here's my view looking over the local airport.

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Posted this in the wrong thread.... Here's today's view from work

Visitors to the unit, important enough to commute by air..... Dog and pony show time.....ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1394643938.908572.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1394643961.194534.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1394643981.069736.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1394644002.334717.jpg

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This is what you get for parking like an asshole at work....




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classic^^^^^ i understand the parking way out back with know one out there but the double is asking for it!
This was Fridays view. 75ft in the bucket working on a storm damaged silver maple on the lakeshore. Fun stuff. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1395519978.392389.jpg

Kathryn Faulconbridge
ISA certified Arborist
City of Burlington
2014 BLK 2D JK


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