What's Your EDC


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^^^This^^^ Even with a CCW it must be carried on the person not in a glove box etc. If carrying in a vehicle it must be unloaded with the ammunition carried loose locked in a different part of the vehicle ie...gun and empty mag in the trunk ammo in a locked in the glove box. So when I'm accosted I have to ask the person to wait while I unlock all of my stuff load up and take my position...:crazyeyes:. Not to mention if its an AR I must have the screw type mag lock..haha
Crazy. I knew CA was mega restricted but I didn't know to that degree especially for a licensed person.
I'll just leave this here.

BRCC Law Abiding Criminals

So much truth in our thought process.

BTW I've been eyeballing the Springfield XD 40 for some time just waiting for the time to pull the trigger on it..;). Yes I know it would be illegal to carry this way, but while out and about on my own in the desert I'd carry loaded in a conceal carry drawer under the driver's seat. Only 3 types of people go into the desert: recreators, people up to no good, and lost foreigners.

Never leave home without my xd40
Just had a holster made for the Sig 380

I would never want to be in the position to say damn I wish I would have had my firearm.

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In AZ we can conceal with no permit. Sounded sketchy at first when the law passed, most Libs freaked out. Guess what, the world did not end, crime did not go up and things went on as normal. Bad people are going to be bad people regardless of laws.

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My everyday pocket stuffers. Thinking about a murse...

I kid, i kid[emoji38]

I was taught at a very young age that an armed society is polite society and it has rang true where I am from.

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Seems to me guns should be regulated somewhat like cars. Anyone can get one if you meet a certain age, pass a basic proficiency test, and have insurance that covers you or someone else when something bad happens.

Wow, so much ignorance here. Just understand that possessing a firearm is a RIGHT and driving a car is a PRIVILEGE. In every situation involving registration of firearms eventually led to confiscation. Ask people in the UK or Australia. California is next. And just think, how much heart ache and outcry would there be if we had those same rules you propose applied to voting? See the hole you are digging?

As for insurance, I assume you mean the damages caused by a firearm? Well, if it is accidental, then the damages are covered. But if it was due to an intentional act, your home owners insurance would not cover it. And no, there is no insurance for criminals. This goes against public policy.

They can have cars and guns but need to be forcibly moved to a deserted island where they can drive around hitting and shooting one another until there's nothing left.

Seriously though, no insurance company is going to cover some crazy dude so that'd be the gatekeeper right there.

Crazy people are covered all over the place. Whether someone is crazy or not is not a valid determination as to whether someone is insurable or not.
Wow, so much ignorance here. Just understand that possessing a firearm is a RIGHT and driving a car is a PRIVILEGE. In every situation involving registration of firearms eventually led to confiscation. Ask people in the UK or Australia. California is next. And just think, how much heart ache and outcry would there be if we had those same rules you propose applied to voting? See the hole you are digging?

As for insurance, I assume you mean the damages caused by a firearm? Well, if it is accidental, then the damages are covered. But if it was due to an intentional act, your home owners insurance would not cover it. And no, there is no insurance for criminals. This goes against public policy.

Crazy people are covered all over the place. Whether someone is crazy or not is not a valid determination as to whether someone is insurable or not.

Wow. So much ignorance here. Since possessing a firearm is a RIGHT they must be available without restriction to criminals, crazy people, children, and anyone else for that matter. See the hole you are digging?
How do you like that CRKT? I was eyeing one up at the store recently.

There's a little weird lock on it to close the blade. I don't really understand why there needs to be a lock or safety to close a blade. But other than that it is durable and light knife and i love it.
There's a little weird lock on it to close the blade. I don't really understand why there needs to be a lock or safety to close a blade. But other than that it is durable and light knife and i love it.
Sweet, thanks. I've had a Spyderco Tenacious in my pocket for about two years now. The CRKT seemed like a nice option if I wanted something slimmer or just wanted to switch it up.

I guess I'll post my edc while I'm at it.
While I'm working - keys, wallet, Samsung watch, Streamlight Microstream, Spyderco Tenacious, and G19 with extra mags. If I'm not at work, subtract the stuff that goes bang unfortunately. I live in NJ.
There was a Benchmade knife I was eyeing called the Infidel. I just can't justify the price tag. $450 seems a little steep for a knife. I'm notorious for losing knives.

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Wow. So much ignorance here. Since possessing a firearm is a RIGHT they must be available without restriction to criminals, crazy people, children, and anyone else for that matter. See the hole you are digging?

Lets forget about whats a right or privilege or whatever just for a second. Its just as much a problem of logistics. Lets say tomorrow ALL guns in America are now illegal, all 300 something million of them. What do we do? Burn them, scrap them, turn them over to a government agency? How do we stop them from crossing our borders? How do we stop people from making there own damn guns? It would be the prohibition all over again and we all know how that worked out. I can think of a lot of highly illegal things that I could probably obtain by the days end if I really wanted to.
Lets forget about whats a right or privilege or whatever just for a second. Its just as much a problem of logistics. Lets say tomorrow ALL guns in America are now illegal, all 300 something million of them. What do we do? Burn them, scrap them, turn them over to a government agency? How do we stop them from crossing our borders? How do we stop people from making there own damn guns? It would be the prohibition all over again and we all know how that worked out. I can think of a lot of highly illegal things that I could probably obtain by the days end if I really wanted to.


Lets get to the point here a criminal-a person who has committed a crime. Possessing an "illegal" fire arm is a crime even if its used for recreational purposes and not used to aid in committing additional crimes. Here in CA a 30 round mag is illegal but in AZ its not. Same gun two thought processes. So if I possess a 30 round mag, get caught in CA, and convicted, I'm now a felon. I can no longer possess a fire arm. Even though all I was doing was shooting up an old washing machine in the desert which I intended to remove once I was finished. Now I'm a "bad" guy and if I want a gun I can still get one, bottom line. I could right now make 1 or 2 phone calls and get one, it's really that easy. No amount of gun control will result in anything beneficial to the responsible gun owner, general public, or LEO's, only criminals. So I'd prefer to know there are 14.5 million (As of July 2016) people with CCW nationwide. Sure there are some who do not need them. There are some LEO's who do not need to be LEO's either. A co-worker of mine is a hot head and has one and if he chooses to be irresponsible he has to deal with it just like a LEO who acts incorrectly. As mentioned I'm more afraid of the 90 year old lady driving her Mercury Grand Marquis down the I-15 at 50 MPH in the fast lane weaving all over than I am of a responsible gun owner who chooses to conceal carry legally or illegally.
Never actually listed what I EDC. On my person at home I carry Two cell phones (Personal and Work), wallet, keys, and my Gerber AR 3.0 folding knife which I've had for 15 years. At work I carry the same but add a Gerber Suspension multi tool and Streamlite Pro Tac 2AA (Best flash light I've carried), two pens (Blue and Black), sharpie, and a carabiner with a fold out knife blade in it. In my Jeep and truck I carry a lighter, dikes, needle nose pliers, small adjustable wrench in the glove box.
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