New member
I have a little bit of everything in the humidor. Too many to list but some of the favorites are joya de Nicaragua, cao, rocky Patel, man o war, perdomo, 5 Vegas, Gurkha, don pepin so on and so on.
Thanks to Louie I have these fine smokes to add. View attachment 103658
Was cleaning out the center consul yesterday and found a Montecristo cigar in therewinning lol
View attachment 111882
Get that thing back in a humidor for a few days and it will be good as gold.......cheers!
View attachment 113444
My stock is low...but she's been keeping me at ~70% humidity for a good 10 years now. And that's no easy task in dry Denver - hence the multiple oasis.
That's what I need. My cigars die quickly in the So Cal desert. Hard to Maintain a humid humidor :grayno:
The moment you realize you have 4 cigars left and a 4 day weekend coming up!! Plus New Years next!!
Guess you're paying cigar shop prices lol