Trektop is on!! View attachment 78634
Really? Nope. I cleared my inbox and couldn't remember who it was. It's yours if you still want it.
Trektop is on!! View attachment 78634
Looks sharp!!:thumbup:
Got everything installed and adjusted, it takes forever to adjust it so it closes perfectly with the tire on the back, but you can do it!
Now I just need to remove it all and paint it..
Got everything installed and adjusted, it takes forever to adjust it so it closes perfectly with the tire on the back, but you can do it!
Now I just need to remove it all and paint it..
Trektop is on!! View attachment 78634
You have your factory one? I'll pay shipping for it. :thumb:
No it's gone. There was a scrap metal guy that drives through the neighbor hood. We gave him all the stuff that came off the jeep. If I come across another one I will let you know.