It's been a while since I updated here but I've have been busy.
Week of May 5th I welded the EVO rear trackbar bracket on, and finally installed Rock-star skids to raise shock mounts. I now use all but 3/8" of the shock travel in the rear. Also added rear diff cover. I figured I'd paint the spider so it at least looks cool for a little bit. After some wheeling it will likely just end up black.
Weekend of the May 10th I installed I buddy's (Dennis aka "Caveman") lift:
3" Evo Coils
MC Front Lower and Rear Upper arms.
Rancho RS9000XL adjustable shocks
Synergy rear roll center correction bracket (track bar)
MC adjustable front track-bar
SS flip kit
I know this isn't technically "my Jeep" but then neither is the other one I always take credit for
(Actually my wife's) Caveman's Jeep rides AMAZING! I love the EVO coils paired with the Rancho Shocks. Best part is the shock firmness is adjustable so he can dial in whatever he wants.
Saturday the 24th I trussed the front axle, and installed the front diff cover. I know there is some debate on if this actually helps anything, but I had the metal and time. Plus if I screwed it up it would give me an excuse to get a PR44. I definitely wouldn't put a lot of money into this but since I had the metal there was very little expense. The wife and I also finally painted the rear carrier. (We found a silver that matches our Jeep very well in a rattle can so touch-ups will be easy.)
No pictures of the carrier painted yet.
Monday (Memorial Day) we joined my buddy and some friends of his for some light wheeling (sort of a shake down for him and the new lift).
Here is a video that the trail lead made.
YouTube Link:
Caveman got hung up on a log and bent his tie rod pretty bad. So, two nights later I did a tape measure alignment to get him by until a new rod gets here. He had 1.5" of Toe in
We scratched up all the pretty paint I put on the previous two weeks so now I have some touch-up to do :crazyeyes:
Went wheeling again last weekend with some of the Muddy Buddys and had a great time.
Now it's time to get the Jeep cleaned up and ready for the Jeep Jamboree @ Drummond Island!