Thanks ya someday ill b on 37's
Yours looks good on those big meats....
Hey could you post up a few more pics/angles of this carrier installed? I just paid for and am getting this same one. Curious to see more of it with and w/o the bumper before I install it
Installed mesh top today.
Sent from my EVO using WAYALIFE mobile app
Lookin good Tony
Hey Frank fits great! Next rear rubi coil springs. The shocks and front rubi coils on the trail was awesome what a huge difference. Thank you for the upgrades.:thumbup:
Sent from my EVO using WAYALIFE mobile app
Broke it! ;-(
Driver driver GAS!
WAYALIFE mobile app
Broke it! ;-(
Driver driver GAS!
WAYALIFE mobile app
What happened?
I was having electrical issues during EJS this year but when I got it to Palm Springs she died and would not take a boost or anything. Shipped it to EVO and jake found a exposed wire had done in the fuse box. :-( ill have them do a bunch of stuff while I'm working in Iraq this hitch and I pick her up on the way home.
Driver driver GAS!
WAYALIFE mobile app
Well since you asked lol. EVO front bumper and stinger, EVO bump stops and new CB. just a couple of things lolEeek! Well at least it is in good and capable hands. Soooooo, what's next for Clarsen's rig????
Aw Strizzy if I woulda known. I have my OR-Fab carrier sitting in the garage ready to be sold to a new and loving home.....
That does suck...but I got a HELL-Of-A deal on this one so I would have felt bad offering you this price and stealing it from ya
Why aren't you going to use it on the new rig? Did you not like it?