Wayne Ledbetter from Bakersfield, CA - YOU SUCK / PayPal can EAD too!!


Staff member
About a month ago, I got a message on PayPal saying that some guy named Wayne Ledbetter from Bakersfield, CA opened up a dispute for an ACM that he bought from me. The only thing he stated was that, what I sold him was "not as described". Essentially, he bought the ACM based on what he saw, got it in record time and then, decided he didn't want it and without making any attempt to return it, asked PayPal to just give him a refund. Now, I should note that I have used PayPal for well over a decade and so I figured they would help me out. Needless to say, I responded and explained how we have a detailed description on our shopping cart along with links and even information on how to initiate a return. Apparently, Wayne Ledbetter got the message and sent me an email asking for an RMA. It was at this point that he said that he has a diesel and that my ACM doesn't work with it. You know, JUST LIKE THE DESCRIPTION ON MY STORE SAYS!!

Anyway, I sent Wayne Ledbetter a link to our return policy, explained it to him and he did ship it back. At that time, I was going to send a partial refund (part minus shipping) but once a customer initiates as claim, the most you can do is give a full refund or make an offer. So, I made an offer for just the price of the ACM and after he sat on it a while, he finally agreed to accept it. Well, at least until PayPal gave him another chance to decline the partial refund and that's when he double downed and demanded that I pay for his stupid mistake and give him a full refund including the cost of shipping! Never mind that I clearly stated what I was selling and never mind that he LIED about why he wanted a refund but, PayPal decided to side with him anyway and gave me the shaft.

This is the first time in over 10 years this has EVER happened. Being that he sent the package back, they decided to side with him - period. This is regardless of the fact that what he bought was in fact described accurately and in spite of our clear as day return policy. After I tried to appeal their decision, this is what they sent me.

As mentioned in a previous email, we received information from both parties and resolved the case in the buyer's favor. You do have the right to appeal, but we can only review your appeal if it fits into one the following scenarios:

  • You received the item back in a condition different from what the buyer stated in their initial claim (beyond normal wear from shipping)
  • No item was returned (empty box)
  • Not all items the buyer received were returned.
  • The buyer returned the wrong item to you
If any of these scenarios apply to you, you can take any of the two actions listed here:

  • Contact your local police department and obtain a police or incident report that details how one of these scenarios applies to you.
  • Complete the affidavit information below, and have it notarized.
You must provide the police or incident report or affidavit to PayPal.

If you're appealing for any other reason than those listed, your appeal will be denied and we strongly suggest you work directly with your buyer to reach an amicable resolution.

Really, Those are my only options? Such bullshit!

Wayne Ledbetter in Bakersfield, YOU SUCK.

Guess I'll be looking for a new POS company to work with. :rolleyes:
I should note, this isn't about the $9.60 in shipping that I had to pay - it's about principle. I don't have to be making or selling any of this stuff. I do it because I think they're good ideas and ones that can be helpful to others. In fact, I try my hardest to sell them at the lowest price possible and still make it worth my while. To have someone like this stick it to me like this... it just sucks.
Some people are just a cancer on society and take no responsibility for their mistakes.
This Wayne guy is just one of the many assholes in society that feel they are "special", and companies like PP cater to them.
Now it puts the onus on you to either find a new POS vendor or take additional steps to add the option to confirm which model Jeep they have gas, diesel then go even further to add a confirmation on gas choice that they understand what they are purchasing is for 3.6, 2.0 only, it will not fit diesel and if they select diesel, a message that is not made to fit diesel and not allow the sale...
There are other pay options and hopefully you find one that backs you up as a seller when you've have taken the steps to make it clear about your products.
Wayne is the reason products have warnings for the morons in life...
Don't you have a video that shows pretty much every detail including install of the ACM?? So annoying that people act like this. Your shipping policy is not out of the norm, btw. Crazy
took me a minute to realize what EAD was.

I have always hated paypal and everything about it. Never used and never will. I don't use any middle man companies really . Skip, uber, door dash etc. It just eats at any chance of profit for the little guy and the Bozos get a bigger boat out of it. I do admit tho I do use amazon the odd time for the really obscure shit i can't find locally.
took me a minute to realize what EAD was.

I have always hated paypal and everything about it. Never used and never will. I don't use any middle man companies really . Skip, uber, door dash etc. It just eats at any chance of profit for the little guy and the Bozos get a bigger boat out of it. I do admit tho I do use amazon the odd time for the really obscure shit i can't find locally.
If it was Sharkey, it would be EADD...
You can't win with people, regardless how much you try to do the right thing. This is just ridiculous, and poorly handled by Paypal.
I should note, this isn't about the $9.60 in shipping that I had to pay - it's about principle. I don't have to be making or selling any of this stuff. I do it because I think they're good ideas and ones that can be helpful to others. In fact, I try my hardest to sell them at the lowest price possible and still make it worth my while. To have someone like this stick it to me like this... it just sucks.
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