WAYALIFE Rockin Rubicon Run 2014 : June 15th - 17th

A little post Rubicon damage control - David showing up like a champ swapping out a rear axle shaft with a bent flange - thanks to Don who had a spare and everyone that pitched in. Great trip and great people as usual.


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Professionaldriver...fluke sector shaft break on 35's...could have happened to anyone. Feeling bad for the guy even after it's all settled

ah, so it wasn't trail bud. I thought MTG said it was Trail Bud in voice message to me asking for my spare steering box or perhaps visual voicemail f'd up the transcription.
Wow looked like it was an awesome trip man I wish I could of made it looks so beautiful out there glad everybody made it alright
What a great time this trip was thank you everyone who made this Rockin Rubicon Run 2014 an epic adventure.
Here's a few photos from my phone I'll post a bunch when I get home.
Packed and ready
Rubicon Springs
The view from Cadillac Hill
Observation point
Rain came in and we had to tarp it up.
Can't believe it's been over two weeks since I was kicking myself for not making it to Independence for the start of the Emigrant Trail trip!!! Rubicon looks so beautiful! On my bucket list for sure!
David changing a broken front 60 and having to shorten the replacement shaft and extend the splines all at camp! ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1403139302.723769.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1403139324.389116.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1403139347.330358.jpg

Rubicon Springs

Cadillac Hill

This is the group that made it up in front of the broken sector shaft
Eddie headed down to assess the situation
Surprise rain as we were putting doors and tops back on
David changing a rear axle shaft in the motel parking lot
Amazing trip!! We had a great time and enjoyed meeting all of you and seeing familiar faces again! I'll post some pictures later this evening after I get them all downloaded.

Special shout out to the entire group on this run---yesterday towards the top of Cadillac Hill, our rig suffered a sector shaft failure. The entire group helped out in one way or another and we're very grateful. MTG, thanks a ton for bringing a new steering box up from Reno! Thanks to everyone for their help and patience, it was a long day, but we made it off the trail safely! And we still got a Rock Hard Wet Woody (or three), even though it was a bit late!
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