WAYALIFE on the GO : Miscellaneous Photos from Cindy & Eddie!

It was smokey down here today too. Still probably a lot better than your neck of the woods. I saw on the news today that schools in Reno were closed today due to smoke.
Yeah, it’s been nuts up there. Still some smoke here but way way better .
Hope all is well…smoke is not that bad in LV right now
Yeah, we’re in town now and it’s much better. Unfortunately, something came up and now we have to head back in a couple of days but we plan on coming back again.
Like I said, it's not like we can trademark the saying but clearly, they know where it came from. We've only been using it for well over 20 years now. They totally suck.
You may or may not be able to trademark that sentence exactly, but have you looked into registering the trademark for Wayalife?…I believe that’s very doable…
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