Wayalife needs to make lanyards

Those clips on the lanyards in all those pics break so easy it crazy. So far out of all the lanyards iv had the carabiner type and the clips that Oakley use on there lanyards last the longest
But I still vote for a heavy survival capable lanyard

Normally I'd agree with you, but the Shure style one that I've posted I've carried with me for 2 anda half years now and it's been through quite a bit and has NEVER let me down, I'll vouch for it
Ill take your word for it but most tht type are pretty much shit. I had an LSU one (geaux tigers) with a clip like that broke befor I got home
Yeah, I never use them either. I get more use out of beer mugs and shot glasses:yup:

I keep one in the jeep and clip it on my keys when I'm on the trail. If u drop them it just makes it easier to find them. Especially in the dunes, ask me how I know..haha
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