Wayalife All Time Funniest or Most Sarcastic Posts

This is golden. The struggle is real, lol.

Wow! I didn’t think I was being an asshole. I took the time to further explain how the initial response from Highway Trout was actually helpful and I gave you my honest opinion regarding your question.

To further investigate, I typed “Wayalife Jeep Forums conventional synthetic” in Goggle and found the following:

View attachment 277163

Hmm, that seemed pretty easy! Then I looked for an owners manual:

View attachment 277165

Wow, first hit. It’s hard to believe that I found all that information on my own and so quickly.

I’m sorry that you’re having so many problems with the internet today and with your Jeep. Choosing an oil can be a difficult, stressful decision! Maybe you should just avoid the whole thing and sell your Jeep?
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