Wayagay is a Midget Troll Offroading God

Am I missing something? Eddie has recommended Curries control arms and steering components, said there coils are good but stiff, and said he doesn't think antirock is good. That's more good then bad regarding Currie
Am I missing something? Eddie has recommended Curries control arms and steering components, said there coils are good but stiff, and said he doesn't think antirock is good. That's more good then bad regarding Currie

Lol. Evo even uses Currie joints on their arms. I guess this dude must be on his man period.
You aren't missing anything. Trolls are many things, but original they are not.

Eddie recommends what works based on what he has personally seen and experienced. Often those recommendations are for companies that also happen to be sponsors. Rather than realize that Eddie is in a position to REFUSE to accept money from manufacturers in whose products Eddie has no faith, the trolls assume Eddie is a whore. That is where they are dead wrong.

I've known Eddie and Cindy personally for going on half a decade. I don't mean internet friends...I mean the kind of face to face friendship where you know you can count on the other person for whatever, no questions asked.

Bottom line...all of these trolls are fucking imbeciles. They talk a lot of shit in the safety of their homes so they can show off to their internet "friends" on other forums. All I can say is I am sincerely glad that none of them actually have the balls to show up in person at an event and act the same way because I assure you that some of us do not react so well when our friends are berated.
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Am I missing something? Eddie has recommended Curries control arms and steering components, said there coils are good but stiff, and said he doesn't think antirock is good. That's more good then bad regarding Currie

He doesn't say he "doesn't think it's good". Rather he explains why he doesn't like it.
He doesn't say he "doesn't think it's good". Rather he explains why he doesn't like it.

If I don't like something it's because I don't think it's good. Same shit. Didn't want to get into it too much for the troll

It's well documented on his thoughts on the product, and no matter how we word it , a trolls a troll and most likely won't read it
How about points deducted for everybody here believing that the little midget troll is an off-roading God. This is just a forum I posted one thing about an anti-rock and the troll has to put his two cents in. Fuck that and fuck the Wayagay forum. You say " the old free stuff" bs well why is it that everyone on here all loves EVO, there products are average at best but since Wayagay stuffs it down your throat all you internet cock suckers swallow his load. Fuck that you guys can keep you shit forum. This place is about as lame as that other fag fest jkfreaks. Good luck to all you wannabe web wheelers.

Perhaps you should spend some time on the trail with Eddie and Cindy. Then you will have an appreciation for their expertise. I have had the pleasure of wheeling with them and they both are very knowledgeable and have earned the respect given by others.
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Really Eddie that's the response your gonna give me. I'm sorry I don't want to respond to every single post that comes on to every single forum like some do.

Really... er, ummm, whatever the heck your real name is - that's the response you're gonna give me? I'm sorry, I don't recall saying you needed to respond to every single post that comes on this forum let alone any others. I just said that your "highly qualified opinion really matters" :idontknow:

What us Currie didn't give you free products so you can't support there stuff.

Well, no, they don't give me "free products" but I have BOUGHT their tie-rod and run it on my 2012 JK and I also run Johnny Joints on all my control arms. Of all the tie-rods I have tested, the Currie has without question, the biggest and strongest tie-rod ends, is by far the biggest and strongest and is one of the easiest to adjust. Of course, their Johnny Joints are race tested and proven to offer extreme flex, are durable, long lasting, re-buildable and yet still energy absorbing. In spite of the fact that I PAID for them, I do in fact recommend both all the time :yup:

How about points deducted for everybody here believing that the little midget troll is an off-roading God. This is just a forum I posted one thing about an anti-rock and the troll has to put his two cents in.

Ummm, since you seemed to have missed it, this is a "forum" and that's what people do. You know, people like you make a post and someone like me offers up their 2¢. Just because you don't like what I have to say and get easily butthurt by it doesn't mean I am an "off-roading god" let alone one that is a "midget troll" as well. :crazyeyes:

Fuck that and fuck the Wayagay forum. You say " the old free stuff" bs well why is it that everyone on here all loves EVO, there products are average at best but since Wayagay stuffs it down your throat all you internet cock suckers swallow his load. Fuck that you guys can keep you shit forum.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass as you leave. :standing wave:

Good luck to all you wannabe web wheelers.

And you have fun wheeling at Rausch Creek :yup:
Perhaps you should spend some time on the trail with Eddie and Cindy. Then you will have an appreciation for their expertise. I have had the pleasure of wheeling with them and they both are very knowledgeable and have earned the respect given by others.
Amen to that. I don't have a whole lot of friends in this world and I am proud to count Eddie & Cindy among the few.

If that makes me wayagay, so be it! :sFun_tease: :honey:
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Really... er, ummm, whatever the heck your real name is - that's the response you're gonna give me? I'm sorry, I don't recall saying you needed to respond to every single post that comes on this forum let alone any others. I just said that your "highly qualified opinion really matters" :idontknow:

Well, no, they don't give me "free products" but I have BOUGHT their tie-rod and run it on my 2012 JK and I also run Johnny Joints on all my control arms. Of all the tie-rods I have tested, the Currie has without question, the biggest and strongest tie-rod ends, is by far the biggest and strongest and is one of the easiest to adjust. Of course, their Johnny Joints are race tested and proven to offer extreme flex, are durable, long lasting, re-buildable and yet still energy absorbing. In spite of the fact that I PAID for them, I do in fact recommend both all the time :yup:

Ummm, since you seemed to have missed it, this is a "forum" and that's what people do. You know, people like you make a post and someone like me offers up their 2¢. Just because you don't like what I have to say and get easily butthurt by it doesn't mean I am an "off-roading god" let alone one that is a "midget troll" as well. :crazyeyes:

Don't let the door hit you in the ass as you leave. :standing wave:

And you have fun wheeling at Rausch Creek :yup:

Ummm that is pretty much game over... Thumbs
Fantastic, this is what its all about. Sticking up for your Jeep brothers. I'm happy to be apart of this group and bashers could and should find a dark smelly bar somewhere in the middle of nowhere and cry there miserable self to sleep.
I'm confused as to what this all was started over. Was he simply mad that he had a product that somebody else doesn't personally like? If that's how he is then he is in for a rough life.

On the topic of swaybars though, I don't even have on up font. Radius arms are a fantastic thing :cheesy:
Geez, 3 posts and the guy escalates into that level of butt hurt?
Wow, thats impressive........
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