Wave from Dave


New member
🖐️How's everyone doing today? I'm planning my 1st trip to Moab in Aug, driving my 2020 Gladiator Rubicon (stock) any recomendations??
Welcome to Wayalife!

For Moab make sure you get your lodging far in advance. Know how to work everything on your vehicle. Sway bar disconnects, lockers, low-range, etc, bring communication equipment (many areas do not have cell service), know how to air down, and have proper recovery equipment.

Like Eddie mentioned it’s HOT 🥵 in the summer so take at least twice as much water as you think you’ll drink along with snacks. Have a paper map in addition to your electronic navigation gizmo.

If you’re going solo I’d reach out to Dan Mick and have him lead a trail for you. He knows them all and has a TON of local info- learning about the history of Moab is part of the overall experience.

Have a great time and post up your pictures!!
I used to live in Tucson, AZ so I'm familiar with the heat! I'm not new to wheeling, just never at Moab.
Dan Mick sounds like a great idea, and maybe get a steel bumper and winch before i go. Thanks guys!
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