Skillet meals on the BBQ for breakfast
When we were in Gatlinburg for the Jeep invasion we went to the Lodge Store and picked up a couple small cast iron skillets.
After a coat of olive oil, bacon

and smoked sausage is layered on the bottom. Fresh garlic, onions, potatoes are added. Hatch Green Chili powder sprinkled on those items. After cooking those items down a couple of eggs are added.
Once the eggs are cooked some cheese goes on top of everything. Tasty!
Most of the ingredients listed came from local farms.
All the storms have passed so we ate outside and watched ‘Bird & Squirrel TV’. (Yeah, repeated assaults by the bears

have pretty much fucked it up).
When the hawk flys over all the ‘Class B’ dependents scatter but are soon back enjoying the largess.