I have to agree the pellet grills are not the best for searing, but they are king for convenience.
My Green Mountain pellet grill is a set it and forget it smoker, great for brisket and pork buts. It only maxes out at 540 so I rarely use it for anything but smoking. I like it because you dont have to tend to it, just select a low temp, fill the hopper and come back to it 12 hours later. It's even too slow on 540 when trying to feed a hungry crowd burgers quickly.
I have a gas assist charcoal Webber Performer and a char-grill lowes knock off Akorn that I love for searing, smoking and grilling. I'm sure I would enjoy a Green Egg but I had to go the cheap route.
My family still owns Coastal Gas Grills but we quit producing them a few years ago. Our natural gas grills would peg 750 no problem, we sold replacement knobs often because the heat would deform them. Best steak cooker I have ever used! Anyone ever heard of a Coastal? We sold a ton in the southeast all the way down into Florida.
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