Meme King
You do realize that while it looks good, in theory, when you are actually winching, you won't be able to wrap the line like that. You'll still need to un-pinch and reel your winch line out and re-do it when you're done.
I'm sure it prevents the line from pinching and working it's way all the way to the drum.
Wouldn't this 45 degree wrap also make the winch line wrap so thick that it hits winch frame? I'll have to look at mine.
While you're winching the line does it's own thing. But other than that, the method works fine. On the Zeon, the last row does touch the top of the frame, however while spooling in, you can guide the abrasion sleeve on top of the rope to help protect it. I keep my abrasion sleeve near the hook so that it's the last thing to spool in.