Active Member
I lost my dad last August and now have my mom living with us and taking care of her is a full time job. I feel your pain and glad your life is starting to even out some. Thanks for sharing. 

Yeah, not exactly the kind of thing that we typically share but in hind sight, we're glad that we did if only because it's helped us to connect and relate with so many people. That's awesome that you've been spending so much of your time with your dad.I'm sure that was a very difficult aspect of your life to share with us, thank you. I've been trying to keep my dad busy helping me with projects because it nearly guarantees we will spend every weekend together until we finish. The possibility of assisted living for my parents has been rolling around in my head for years, I just hope my wife or I will be able to retire before either of them get bad enough to need constant supervision.
We really do appreciate it, thank you.Thanks for sharing something so personal. But from what I can tell Cindy’s parents lived a full life before getting this BS. God bless!!
Thank you.I was dealing with end of life care the last few years so I have an idea what you are going through. Nothing will make it easy. Make them happy and comfortable the best you can. You guys are awesome!
We're truly humbled that you would say as much. All we can do is what's in front of us and focus on the things that are really important.Cindy and Eddie, you guys are awesome. Thank you for sharing this video, I’m sure it wasn’t easy. Thank you for being great people and still finding time to do what you do for all of us here. I can’t wait to see what the future holds with that build your Jeep button.
Thank you. We appreciate it.Thanks for sharing not just a video , but a very intimate part of you and Cindy's life.
Bless yall for stepping up and helping where it's needed in the family.
Yeah, it was at about that point where things were really starting to fall apart. In fact, right after that run, everything did.I remember back a few months ago when I was asking about the new years run... You said you were trying as hard as you could to put something together. Not knowing your situation I took a step back and decided to just be patient. I am glad I did. I had no idea what you were going through. I want to thank you again for talking the time to put the event together. I understand now that you have had a ton on your plate.
I had a similar situation with my grandparents back in the 90's. A grandmother with ALS and shortly after a grandfather with cancer, brain tumors, and alzheimers/dimentia. I know all too well how time consuming taking care of someone you care about can be. As they say... Been there... Done that... Wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Thanks for sharing.
We appreciate it, thank you.Thank you for posting this video. It makes us all take a step back and think about how blessed we are by the people in our lives. And thank you for everything both of you do for us on Wayalife.
Thank you my friend. We hope all is well with you and your family. I know that you've been spending more time with your dad lately and hope he's doing well.Sorry that you are going through this part of a family’s life journey. You are both incredible caring and responsible people. We have seen that through the adventures you’ve allowed us to share with you. And how you are dealing your parents is at your core. We all have or will experience this as part of life. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Thank you and long time no see. Hope all is well with you and your family.Really glad to learn things are beginning to return to normal again. You did the right thing at the right time. May God bless you both and walk with you during the rest of this journey.
Praying for you guys. We lost my mother-in-law to Lewy Body dimentia two years ago and are preparing to move my father-in-law, who has Parkinson’s, in to our home in July. He’s having a deep brain stimulator put in in August so hopefully that helps.So, I know there are probably a few of you who’ve been wondering, where in the hell have we been? And, what I can tell you is that, we’re truly sorry for having been gone and for as long as we have. Anybody who knows us know that Cindy and I aren’t exactly the kind of people who like to wear our personal lives on our shirt sleeves and so, for the better part of the last two years, we just did our best to make things work. Unfortunately, life had other plans for us and earlier this year, it completely pulled the rug out from under our feet. The good news is, we are finally at a point where life can resume again and for all the people who expressed concern for us during our extended absence, we thought it would be nice to make an exception and share a little, of what's been going on.
Damn. This hit home, this hit hard. I feel like the last two years have been hard for a lot of people. Thank you for sharing, that could not have been easy. I've been off the forums for some time now and just recently started getting caught up and ran across this video. The last two years for me have been filled with their own challenges. My parent's health has been on the decline. My mom had a stroke almost 2 years ago and it has affected her speech, mobility among other things. My dad was a good man but never patient. Her inability to do basic tasks wore on him and it lead to relationship issues. As a result, my mom decided to take a break and spend time with her family in Florida. I was left to help take care of my dad while she was gone as all my other siblings have moved out of the country/state. Much like Cindy's dad, he had a fall that landed him in the hospital. Long story short he didn't make it. He spend several weeks in the hospital recovering from a head injury, eventually got Covid, and died of pneumonia. They'll mark it as a Covid death but his health was beyond bad. My mom moved back to Cali and now she's slowly on the road to managing her new normal.So, I know there are probably a few of you who’ve been wondering, where in the hell have we been? And, what I can tell you is that, we’re truly sorry for having been gone and for as long as we have. Anybody who knows us know that Cindy and I aren’t exactly the kind of people who like to wear our personal lives on our shirt sleeves and so, for the better part of the last two years, we just did our best to make things work. Unfortunately, life had other plans for us and earlier this year, it completely pulled the rug out from under our feet. The good news is, we are finally at a point where life can resume again and for all the people who expressed concern for us during our extended absence, we thought it would be nice to make an exception and share a little, of what's been going on.
Thank you for sharing this.So, I know there are probably a few of you who’ve been wondering, where in the hell have we been? And, what I can tell you is that, we’re truly sorry for having been gone and for as long as we have. Anybody who knows us know that Cindy and I aren’t exactly the kind of people who like to wear our personal lives on our shirt sleeves and so, for the better part of the last two years, we just did our best to make things work. Unfortunately, life had other plans for us and earlier this year, it completely pulled the rug out from under our feet. The good news is, we are finally at a point where life can resume again and for all the people who expressed concern for us during our extended absence, we thought it would be nice to make an exception and share a little, of what's been going on.