While Ohlins has been an industry leader in dampening technology for motocross, rally racing, open wheel racing, mountain bikes, high performance vehicles of all makes and models and for over 40 years, they are new to the Jeep market and the question of how well their highly sought after gold shocks will perform on them, is a legitimate one. In this video, you'll get to see and hear what Cindy and I have found after two weeks of testing them both on road and off.
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#jeep #ohlins #shockabsorber #wayalife #jeepgladiator #jtgladiator #gladiatorjt #jeepjt #jtjeep #gladiatortruck #jeeptruck #jeepwrangler #jlwrangler #wranglerjl #jeepjl #jljeep #offroad #shocks #suspension #suspensionsystem #testing