Upcoming Trip: 2015 WAYALIFE New Year Kick Off Run 01/03/15

Not gonna be able to make it out. Being the dummy that I am, I decided to install my Evo skid plates last minute and now I have a leak in my tranny pan. No time to fix it.:mad: Super bummed. I really wanted to go on this trip.
The traffic has been brutal. Was supposed to be a 3 hr drive and I left at 5pm. It's now close to midnight.
Should be driving out of Vegas just before 7. Hopefully all of the traffic issues are cleared up by then. I'll be monitoring CH16 on the way down. See y'all in the morning!
Dang it, I'm not going to make it to this one. Jeep's not ready, plus I'm jet-lagged from being on the East Coast for the past week. Was looking forward to meeting all of you, especially you L.A.-area peeps. On the bright side, when I catch the next one, my JK will be that much more prepared. I hope you guys and gals have a blast tomorrow!

I SO wish I could of made this run. Being the Greenest Rookie of all, this run sounds like one I would love to do, it's just not in the cards. Y'all enjoy out there and be safe! Go! :icon_crazy:
Darn it not gonna be able to make it. Very frustrated. I'll be seeing all the pictures. Hope you make a video
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