that's what I was told and because I dropped it off it didn't get done until end of day the next day - I should've waited for it
but it's done and took about 3months for the part to get in stock.
Picked it up last night and the initial impression was it feels tighter, like my 2015 Sport. it's a huge positive difference in how it handles.
This morning i took it out on the freeway for some high speed testing and it was a wind advisory day. :thumb:
Usually I would be fighting the wind and the steering but it stayed straight, no more pull to one side and the wind had a more normal affect on the Jeep. In the past, every wind gust would have had me over correcting because the steering was also favoring to one side.
I see fluid around the fittings and it could be from the install (no cleanup) but after wiping it off this morning and checking it when I got home, it looks like it may still be leaking.
I'll take it back to the dealer to check/tighten, I don't want them accusing me in the event they cross-threaded the fittings.
I'm happy it made such a difference :thumb:
Had some noise while driving, thought it was just the wind... nope, service techs did not put all the screws and plastic pins back into the wheel well liner - it's flapping around :doh: