TRUMP DELAY REVERSED - Fines Boosted for Automakers Not Meeting Fuel Economy Rules

What pisses me off about this bullshit “environment above all” movement is that they don’t give a shit about our Country’s stability and longevity let alone the people. The US is by far the cleanest industrialized country in the world and they still want more and more. We may have high co2 emissions but the air and water pollutants by industry are extremely low to the point of hamstringing them and ultimately our economy. Plenty of other countries that are significantly worse that should step up and meet us at our current level before we do anything more.
If you had any hopes for the future of 392 or any big V8 for that matter, even in the near future, you can kiss them all goodbye. Looks like the delay instituted by the Trump Administration to increase in penalties for automakers whose vehicles do not meet fuel efficiency requirements for model years 2019 and beyond has been reversed.

As far as Jeep goes, the decision is expected to cost Stellantis as much as $572 million.

Let's go Brandon :rolleyes:
Stellantis won't pay a dime. The costs will be entirely passed on to the consumers.
Umm, duh. That is why I am pissed and not them.
Biden is also wanting to create a minimum tax on the super-rich who do not actually have the money because it is an estimate of the value of stock that they "own" in a company they created. It is pretty common that such stock can not be sold and the value is only estimated based on the estimated value of the company, which is often not very tangible.

So in their objective that the USA become a socialist state (communist?) it is necessary to level everyone's wealth so nobody will be able to create interesting new businesses in the USA. Instead we will all be hoping for handouts so that we can survive.

People who failed to pay attention in school or try to make something of themselves essentially pay negative taxes. Romney was not wrong about that.
The Brandon administration is definitely building back better! Just look how he tackled this virus! This is complete garbage especially when the rest of the planet doesn’t care about emissions. It’s just another “tax”. I am so tired of this crap.
I noticed that on the Jeep website it still allows you to build a 392, however the ‘Extreme Recon’ package is no longer featured. Has anyone heard any additional info on ordering a 392?
I noticed that on the Jeep website it still allows you to build a 392, however the ‘Extreme Recon’ package is no longer featured. Has anyone heard any additional info on ordering a 392?
The Extreme Recon package has been discontinued for the 392. No specific end date for 392 has been announced but...
You can still make a V8 JK for whole lot cheaper than a 392 JL.

Agreed! I currently have a JK at MOTECH getting an LT1 and an 8-speed; and I’m super excited about it!

However what I’m referring to is that I’m sick of the Gov interfering with the free market. (Especially when they ‘legislate‘ through organizations that are not even supposed to exist in the first place- for example the federal EPA). In a free country, a car company offers what the customers want, in this case a Hemi 392 option and the customer can purchase whatever they can afford.

Make no mistake, these same Gov types will eventually work towards stopping any unapproved vehicle modification- if the American citizens do not push back against these types of overreach.
I noticed that on the Jeep website it still allows you to build a 392, however the ‘Extreme Recon’ package is no longer featured. Has anyone heard any additional info on ordering a 392?
I thought the 392 automatically came built with the xtreme recon package? I'm glad we bought ours when we did. Honestly the xtreme recon package is way better than I thought. It's realistically the perfect build from the factory. Now if my beadlock rings I ordered in December ever show up that'd be great...haha.
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