
Here is the proper way to aim headlights...

(Copied and pasted my own response from another thread on another forum)

1) park your jeep where your headlight is 20' away from a wall on level ground.
2) measure (at the jeep) the height of the center point (bulb) of the headlight to the floor. Record measurement.
3) go to the wall with your headlights on, and mark out the same height from step 2 but subtract 2". Make a tape line.
4) adjust headlights to hit that tape line.


Your original headlight aim is irrelevant. Same goes for lifted vehicles, the original center point on the wall is irrelevant.

A little graphic so people understand why the method most commonly used and circulated on the net is incorrect.

Since the trucklites don't have a super sharp cutoff like my HIDs for instance...

View attachment 64399

use the hottest part of the beam as your gauge, maybe 1/2" above the hottest part even

View attachment 64400

Awesome!!!!! Thanks so much for the detail you gave here. it is very much appreciated.
This is the first I have heard anyone talk about the "pattern" and it being annoying. In fact I didn't even see an XX or XY in mine. If I am parked in front of the garage the lights look like this, ^^, way out but certainly not something would would stop me from running them or recommending them.
This is the first I have heard anyone talk about the "pattern" and it being annoying. In fact I didn't even see an XX or XY in mine. If I am parked in front of the garage the lights look like this, ^^, way out but certainly not something would would stop me from running them or recommending them.

It's generally very minor, but it bothers some people....

(Ignore the X-ish pattern at the bottom of the pics...thats just the stinger shadow)

Low Beam


XX pattern


Probably not enough to bother most people...its just a small hotspot.
the only time I noticed the X was in the fog and after I corrected the horizontal adjustment I never noticed it again.
This is the first I have heard anyone talk about the "pattern" and it being annoying. In fact I didn't even see an XX or XY in mine. If I am parked in front of the garage the lights look like this, ^^, way out but certainly not something would would stop me from running them or recommending them.

same here. never gave it a second thought as they light up the road so well. same with the flicker if parked in front of the garage door I can see it but not when actually on the road or stopped in traffic.
It's generally very minor, but it bothers some people....

(Ignore the X-ish pattern at the bottom of the pics...thats just the stinger shadow)

Low Beam
View attachment 64533

View attachment 64534

XX pattern

View attachment 64535

Probably not enough to bother most people...its just a small hotspot.

Seriously?? That tiny hot spot is what all the commotion is over? I'm more bothered by the shadow of the stinger than to let a tiny hot spot of EXTRA light!
Seriously?? That tiny hot spot is what all the commotion is over? I'm more bothered by the shadow of the stinger than to let a tiny hot spot of EXTRA light!

I don't own trucklites, so I cant comment firsthand, but its that tiny spot that makes you focus on it all the time. Sort of like when you have the TPMS light on, and although you don't care, you cant help but stare at a yellow light on your dash.
I just installed mine and finished getting them adjusted. They are bright and much better than any stock or from what I've seen replacement light. What I am seeing with mine is the two beams shooting forward and coming together in front of you. If you can ignore it, then it shouldn't be a problem. If not you will catch yourself stairing it the point where they meet. I'm sure once you get use to having them, you won't notice it. Over all wouldn't go back!
I just installed mine and finished getting them adjusted. They are bright and much better than any stock or from what I've seen replacement light. What I am seeing with mine is the two beams shooting forward and coming together in front of you. If you can ignore it, then it shouldn't be a problem. If not you will catch yourself stairing it the point where they meet. I'm sure once you get use to having them, you won't notice it. Over all wouldn't go back!

shim them out using electrical tape and that won't be an issue. best time to do it is in the fog and you can get them perfect and then they are even better on a regular dark night.
Thanks so much for putting these pictures up, as l see no big deal with the hotspot they have circled.

Hehe...I guess it depends on the kind of person you are. If you are the kind of guy that gets annoyed that the airvents are not lined up in your vehicle, or something on your desk is out of symmetry, it will bother you. :D
First time I turned them on the X bothered me, now they're just a bit annoying. Currently running mine with the RallyLights/SMS harness to kill the flicker and high beam delay. I received a defective light where it only worked half the time, checked the plugs and swapped lights, didn't fix it, sent it in for a replacement.

When it's pitch black, the lights are amazing. Around town, they're dim and sometimes I can't even tell if they're on. Once I get my replacement I'm going to add the horizontal adjustment screws and adjust the aim, my X hot spot was way off centered to the right originally. Already thinking of selling them and going with the RallyLights/SMS Hella bi-halogen kit. Don't know if I can get over the looks though.


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in the street I don't really see the X pattern, but if I face something I will see it but I'm just used to it.

low beam
2013-06-21 22.25.14.jpg

high beam
2013-06-21 22.25.40.jpg
... Already thinking of selling them and going with the RallyLights/SMS Hella bi-halogen kit. Don't know if I can get over the looks though.

Holy Crap!:shock: $1,400 is quite a bit of money for Jeep nipples, I mean headlights. You could get truck-lites and a 50" bar for that kind of money. Even so, post up pics if you get them because I would love to see the light output.
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